This is the line you might have frequently heard from a MBA student. Yes now its my time. If you are reading this then you can also take some time to fill out my survey. Please I require it by Sunday. Here is the link: :)
Will also post the survey results and the stats which we might be covering by Big Bazaar visits and other survey methods. I hope you all will surely wait for that.
I was really impressed the way E-cell applications were invited. They had a well defined concept to judge you before-hand in the form of 4 specific questions pertaining to entrepreneurship. The 4 questions were all about self opinions in the field of entrepreneurship.
Today was also the day of Ecolibria Interviews and Nepathya (cultural cell of NMIMS) auditions. I participated in Ecolibria and turned out to be a smooth single process interview. They asked all basics of Economics and finance. Chilled out in the end. Hope to get selected in this one.
Nothing else to update for today, except that I will be preparing an online survey for my Marketing assignment and post it in my post tomorrow. Please do co-operate with me the fill up this survey.
For more details watch out for this space in tomorrows edition. ;)
Sorry guys for posting so late, the real reason will come in the later part of this post.
The next day after the event was marked by prolonged amount of sleeping. It had to be the case for me after you have read the previous post. :)
Monday was another funday for us, with lots of events lined up. The prominent ones for me were "Corporate Mandi by E-Cell - A game of trading", "Its not a Big Deal - Quiz and crossword by Finomenon - Finance cell's initiative", "Casino Royale by Ecolibria - A quiz + cards game".
The other events were "Ab'use' me by NJM (not just marketing) - Marketing cell of NMIMS", "PYLON OF ISIS - Online treasure hunt - by summIT" and "THE OTHER SIDE by HRUday - HR cell of NMIMS" to name a few.
It was a fun day after 2 pm on Monday with all the quizes and games and fun events. The Finomenon quiz was very well organized so was the Casino royale game. Did not a chance to look at the Corporate Mandi, but I heard that it was a galla event.
The later part of the evening proved to be a nightmare to me as I started feeling ill and on Tuesday morning this feeling converted into a reality and I was caught in a viral fever trap. For 2 days I was out of action with heavy fever, body ache and all sorts of problems. Now you can understand why I wasn't able to update the blog.
Hope you have forgiven me. Thanks. Take care :)
Yesterday was a busy day for me. Paramapara and Fresehers plus the midnight buffet.
As usual the "Halla Bol" team met early, but very few turned up. The SCR wanted us to practice once more, but the participants decision was proved correct in the end not to practice again.
We reached Bhaidas hall, after some refreshments, exactly at 1.00 pm.. Hoping for the show to start at 1.30 pm as scheduled. But as usual we are never on time. The show eventually started at 3.30 pm.
The hall was quite empty, not many senior turned up. So was the case with juniors. Anyways the show started and the seniors showed their true colors, they had come just for bird watching. No skit no play, only dance and fashion show was their motto. Pathetic freshers shows, thanks to the seniors.
They even made some of the girls to walk the ramp just to show their faces. The most cheap behavior I expected from the seniors.
Thereafter was the fun part for us, Freshers party at Santokba hall and dinner at NMIMS quad. The party was good thanks to us, but the DJ was pathetic. All the time he played only hindi/punjabi songs and that too till the end. Something which was not expected from the DJ. Anwyas we guys did the needful by dancing like crazy bunch of people. Fun till the end.
I along with 5 other friends had dinner at Shiv Sagar, the famous pav bhaji in vile parle. Then was the most fun events of the night, the Midnight Buffet. We 4 TCSers gathered at Mithibhai and left for Orchid, Vile Parle east at around 12.30 am. Not to mention the place is awesome and the ambiance along with the food is mind blowing. 10 different types of desserts, plus shev puri and other charts made my day (oops night). Do visit this place and it costs only 460 bucks. We enjoyed our dinner (mine second one) till 3.45 pm. Later we drove from Parle to Bandra and back to Kandivali to drop everyone safely and finally reached home at 4.30 am.
In the end a hectic but a very memorable day to spend. Of course the next day (today) was spent in sleeping and roaming out of town.
Hope you enjoyed the description. Byee.. Take Care..
Tomorrow is the day of PARAMPARA. Today were our final auditions and today was the first time we ran the complete script end to end. And mind it it was very good. The seniors responded very well.
Tomorrow is the day when we are going to present our skit "Halla Bol" at Bhaidas Hall, Vile Parle West. Surprisingly they have kept the freshers party at B J Hall (the same place where we had our first day of Orientation). Its not a good place for party, but something is better then nothing.
Some Stats for you all:
1] Last year the party was at Rockbottom and this year at B J hall. Compare the differences!!
2] Management says that the reason is recession. Last year the core MBA fees was 2.1 lakhs, this yr this is 3.75 lakh. Still they are complaining of recession.
3] There were only 240 students in core mba, this yr we are 300 students. I think rockbottom can accommodate 60 more students.
4] AFAIK last year there were 2 parties for the seniors. What happened this year??
Such a disappointment from the NMIMS administration.
I will write in more detail about the fest on Sunday.
The day we were waiting before the final kill was today. After being busy for all sorts of assignments, we finally got time at 7 pm to start the final rehearsals for the auditions. The time allotted to us was at 7.15, but as they always say that for a b-school time is abundant when you are on campus. The same thing happened here, we were called last and the time by that time was 9pm. :(
Nevertheless it was worth it when we received some applause from the seniors after they were done with bashing the other four groups. That was the fruit for the hard work. We were quite happy and did some "Halla Bol" in the corridor.
The happiness was just for 2 mins when my group met again at 9.30 to start planning for the IDL assignment. By the time this post is displayed on the blog my assignment might have just started.
Chalo getting back to work. Byeee.. Take Care
July 17th, 2009 Aanand Pandey
Infosys co-founder Nandan Nilekani will take charge as the chairperson of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UDAI) project next week. That is when he will move into his new office. (Currently, he is sitting in the Planning Commission office, a Business Standard report said today). One can’t help but think of an imaginary scenario of his first day in the new office. Here it goes.
Morning, 10 AM sharp. Nandan Nilekani enters his new cabin. There is not much in the room except a plush chair, a large wooden desk with a computer and a phone neatly placed on top. He picks up the phone and dials the switchboard operator’s number.
Nilekani: Good morning. This is Nandan Nilekani. Can you send in someone who can help me with some information, please?
Operator: Good Morning sir. Whom do you wish to call in? Do you have someone in particular in mind?
Nilekani: Umm. Have I been given an assistant or a secretary?
Operator: We don’t employ assistants here, sir. Too little outlay. Secretaries we have many. Chief secretary, under secretary, joint…
Nilekani: …No, no. Not that kind. I meant someone who could help me get things rolling.
Operator: Okay. Let me see. Well, I think I know just the right person for the task. I am sending in our secretary a-la-carte, Mr Pandeyji.
Several hours later, Pandeyji walks in.
Nilekani: [After exchanging the usual pleasantries] Pandeyji, one of our immediate big tasks would be to see how we could integrate our unique ID database with other relevant databases like those of passports, ration cards, job cards and PAN. Do we have an upgraded IT system here?
Pandeyji: Integration not possible. We need new licenses from Oracle, Microsoft. We don’t have much money with us. Too little outlay.
Nilekani: Alright. We will use Open Source.
Pandeyji: [Alarmed] Open source? Across all departments, we have banned everything that has anything “Open” in it.
Nilekani: When did that happen?
Pandeyji: Ever since the Open General Licence scheme came into force. It wreaked havoc on our personal, er, public finances.
Nilekani: Alright. I will talk to Paul. He is a good friend. I am sure he will be able to help. This is in the interest of the people, after all.
Pandeyji: But, sir, Paul was robbed two weeks ago.
Nilekani: [Shocked] Where? How?
Pandeyji: Shortly after the Union Budget speech. I heard an analyst say that the government is robbing Paul to pay Peter. Sirjee, when the government is done with Paul, he won’t be in a position to help.
Nilekani: [Relieved] No, no, I was talking about Paul Allen, Microsoft’s co-founder. By the way, “Robbing Paul to pay Peter” is not the correct expression. It is the other way round.
Pandeyji: Sir, you are duly advised not to lose sweat over improper forms of expression around here. Did you not hear the honourable finance minister read out the Budget?
Nilekani: [Ignoring the last comment] By the way, why do I see so few people in this building? Are we not sufficiently staffed yet? I think I gave my recommendations some time back.
Pandeyji: Actually, we were, but most officers have applied to other ministries or departments for transfers. Some have even moved out.
Nilekani: [Concerned] Why?
Pandeyji: Our project was allocated Rs 120 crore in the Budget. On the other hand, the Delhi Police got Rs 3,000 crore, the National Ganga Project got Rs 562 crore. You see sir, the greater the mess, the bigger the outlay. Officers feel there is a slim chance you will be messing things up around here, seeing your track record. So most officers want out.
Nilekani: [Animated] Forget the outlay. I have been given a free hand!! Nobody gets a free hand!
Pandeyji: [Smirking] Good you mentioned that term. In fact, “free hand” is among the first few terms of which I need to explain the official meanings to you, tomorrow.
Nilekani: Hmm. I think I know the meaning already, but why tomorrow? Why not today?
Pandeyji: It’s 2 minutes to 5:30 PM. When the clock strikes 5:30, I am going to turn into a pumpkin. Is there something else I can help you with?
Nilekani: Not really. Is there something else you want to help me with, before you turn into a pumpkin?
Pandeyji: Arrey haan. I have read your book, Imagining India. I like it a lot. Actually, I have thought of a nice title you can use for the book’s sequel.
Nilekani: [Intrigued] And what could that be?
Pandeyji: Keep Imagining, India.
Nilekani casts an impatient glance at his watch. The minute hand looks agonisingly sluggish.
Hope you enjoyed it.. :)
Nandan's brief of his first day in parliament!
From an INFOSCION to a POLITICION - Nandan's Chronicles - 2
Continuing my tryst with capturing the life and times of Nandan Nilekani in his new avatar as a Cabinet Minister, here is what he had penned after his first day in the Parliament. The last entry stopped when the House was just about to begin. Let’s see what happened thereafter….
The House was in pin drop silence. I was brimming with anticipation and excitement!!!! Manmohan had informed me that my introduction was one of the important points of the agenda. I hoped that I will be able to make my speech properly. After so many interviews and conferences, I was nervous today!!!!
After the Speaker indicated that the proceedings of the House could begin, Manmohan formally introduced me to the entire House. He mentioned that as the head of the Unique Identification Authority of India, I was responsible to ensure that each and every Indian had a digital smart card as a proof of his existence. Manmohan spoke about why I was selected and also some references to the various projects executed by me in Infosys were mentioned. The House listened with rapt attention. I was asked to say a few words and I did exactly the same!!!
I thanked the Government of India for having given me this opportunity and I assured the House that I would strive to successfully deliver this project. The Speaker then formally inducted me into the House and before the proceedings could move any forward, there was a small commotion on the other side of the hall.
It was Minister of Textiles who had a comment to make before the next point on the agenda. He made a request that I should be attired in a more austere way instead of a flashy suit. It did not go well with the image of a minister who should live to serve the common man and should be less ostentatious in his habits. I stood up to reply. I offered my apologies to the Honourable Minister and assured that I shall be in a more acceptable dress next time. I felt that he was right.
We also used to have corporate dress code in Infosys. So it's here as well!!!!
I sat down and felt somebody nudging me. I turned around and to my surprise; it was the former Indian skipper and one of my favourite batsman Mohd. Azharuddin. I remembered that he had recently won the elections. I smiled at him and mentioned to him that I used to like his game very much, shaking his hand. No Rolex, I noticed. Azhar told me that he would “fix” me an appointment with an Italian designer who had designed his dapper Kurta suit. An Italian designer in Milan doing Kurtas!!!!! I made a note of this and reminded myself to give this example to Friedman for his next book,” The World Markets are flattened”. Since there was no doubt about the “Fixational” capacities of Azhar, I told him to give me the details and I would consider.
The proceedings of the House went on with numerous bills being debated and passed as I sat as a passive audience waiting for my project’s turn to come up. After the lunch break, it was the moment for me!!!! MY PROJECT”S FIRST REVIEW CAME UP FOR PRESENTATION. I was at sea. My laptop did not have any reserve power. I went to Manmohan and apprised him of the situation. I was sweating. He calmly replied that this would not be a cause of concern. I was flummoxed!!!!
The Speaker asked me to explain to the House on what were my plans for the Unique Identity Project. I replied that I have a plan prepared for 30-60-90-120 days’ milestones and I have presentation to make for which I need a power socket, a projector and a screen. I had no idea what was going to happen after this. The next couple of minutes were a complete jolt for me. I was completely in a tizzy.
Let me just summarize what happened. A Joint Cabinet Secretary Committee was set up to judge the feasibility of my request. The Under Secretaries for the Ministries of Power, IT and Broadcasting will prepare a Viability Report after scrutinizing National Security threats to my request. This was because the power socket comes under Power, laptop comes under IT and projector comes under Broadcasting. I have also been told to reconsider my time lines of 30-60-90 days and start thinking in terms of years. Probably, they are right. I did not have the foresight in this matter.
The summary of the issue is that I need to come up with a more inclusive, democratic, comprehensive long term plan for this project to be executed over the next five years. I have also been given a presentation slot 3 months from now (by which the issues related to the power cord etc will also be resolved). I am filled with mixed reactions. I was planning for a quick resolution; the management wants a strategic solution. I come out of the House and text Murthy.
“You won’t believe it but these guys work just like us. I am on a NATIONAL BENCH for the next three months!!!!!!!!”
I got this article from some forum. I don't know the credibility of this information, but its worth a read. :D
This quote is from the point of view of the NMIMS management. Today we got a news that our classes will be in NMIMS building from tomorrow. Till now it was in UPG building.
The NMIMS building was about to demolish and they were planning to build a new one with 7 floors in it. Check out the news here
They still haven't communicated officially that the plan has been postponed, but its obvious from the developments in NMIMS campus. According to a faculty this will be the third time they are reverting back.
The good news for our part is no queues in front of the elevators, quad not getting demolished, access to wireless internet compared to no internet, and host of other features.
Hope this news bring cheer among the students.
Bye bye. Cia soon.
This movie was a plan of NMIMS E division students but it did not materialize. Never mind I had my building friends to accompany me.
Movie: HP6 (Harry Potter & the half blood prince)
Show timing: 10.50 am
Date: 19 July 2009 (Sunday)
For a English movie I had to get up early on a beautiful Sunday. But kya kare I can sacrifice at least that much. Now lets move on to review part. The movie is not that great compared to the other 5 parts of HP. Not much action, except the first scene or kidnapping the wand maker at diagon alley and the finding of the Horcrux. The sad part is the death of Dumbeldore. I knew it before hand thanks to the internet and the books already being released (mind it I haven't read the book). The important events other the mentioned above are Drako turning into death eater, Ron becomes the successful Gryffindor's Quidditch goalie, Hermione-Ron and Harry-Ginny forming love pairs, etc.
The movie is more on the romantic side compared the action side. I think the director is trying to just lay a plan in this movie and then go for the kill with all the action in HP7. Then I already except it to be a blockbuster of l time.
The review can be checked out at wikipedia
HP fans will surely watch it. For those who haven't seen the earlier parts, I would recommend them to watch the previous 5 parts and then they will be able to make a good deal of understanding from this part.
Image for representation purpose only You must be wondering why have I attended post budget analysis 12 days after the actual budget. The reason is because this post budget analysis is by renowned economists and analyst from the industry who need time to analyze the entire fine print of the budget. The event was sponsored by Ecolibria, the Economics cell at NMIMSThe guest speakers were as follows:1. Dr. Sunil Bhandare, Economic Advisor, Tata Strategic Management Group2. Mr Chandrahas Deshpande, Executive Director, Maharashtra Economic development Council (MEDC)3. Dr. Manjushree Ghodke, Chief Economist, L & T.4. Mr. Shalin Divetia - Chartered Accountant & Taxation Expert.Now you know why this session. All the speakers are extremely good in their domain. Dr Bhandare covered the overall economic perspective of the budget, its implications and IMF study of global economy. Dr Ghodke covered the budget implications on the Industry perspective, in particular Manufacturing. Mr Deshpande covered the economic reforms expected in the budget or in the overall economic scenario and Mr Divetia spoke about the Tax implications of this budget. This is what the ideal post budget analysis should be according to a MBA perspective. They tried to explain each and every concern in a detailed way, which was the best part. Then there was some quiz sessions from the Ecolibria team for fun. In all an extremely fruitful session. Its always good to know the various perspective of the economist and how they try to interpret a budget.
First event of NMIMS is about to kick off. Its called PARAMPARA and the evnt is on 25th July at Bhaidas hall (If I'm not wrong). Its the annual welcome fest at NMIMS, where the senior full-time MBA students welcome the incoming batch. Last time it was a single day event, but this time they have alloted us 3 full days.
The group to which I belong has to prepare something on the theme "Halla Bol". Its something wacky and the play is based on .... Why should I leak the suspense out here. You will have to wait till 25th when I update this blog or actually come there and watch the fun event.
The other themes are Pink & Green, Lucy by chance, Footnotes of Life and Cutting chai. Today was our first meet within the group and the problem is the group size is too huge and just got 40 minutes to perform. Most of the time went into deciding upon an idea and then conceptualizing that idea. I hope something concrete plan was setup as I left early and couldn't complete the discussion.
Will update more about the event once we have completed the quota of fully enjoying it.
Well another movie in NMIMS. You must all be wondering whether I am in NMIMS for studying or watching movies. Well actually both. :)
Movie: 12 Angry Men
Place and time: NMIMS room 805, 1 pm
Excellent piece of black and white cinematography dated back in 1957. Well its at 8th position on the IMDB all time top 250 list. Its a worth watching. Total play time is 1 hour 36 mins.
Its all about 12 men in a jury room meeting for discussion on the verdict of a capital murder case. The case is simple and the 18 year old has already been convicted for the murder because of lots of evidence against him. Eleven of the jurors immediately vote guilty; only Juror No. 8 (Mr. Davis) casts a not guilty vote. At first he voted against just for the sake of discussion. As the deliberations unfold, the story quickly becomes a study of the jurors' complex personalities, preconceptions, backgrounds and interactions. That provides the backdrop to Mr. Davis' attempts in convincing the other jurors that a "not guilty" verdict might be appropriate.
For more review and to get yourself acquainted with the movie visit here
Hope you have a gala time enjoying this movie. Well for me this doesn't end here, I have a discussion based on this movie tomorrow in the IDL. So wish me luck..
Cia for now. Byeee... Tc
Well your greatest nightmares come true when you are in a MBA college. Yes I am talking about being in a college on a beautiful Sunday. That's what happened to me last Sunday (2 days back).
Imagine a lazy person like me getting up at 7 am and heading for the college, yeah that's what i call a nightmare. Except if it was a trip like 2 weeks back to lonavala.
The occasion was interview rounds for the various core cells. The cells has been mentioned in my July 10th post. The process was long and the number of candidates made it even longer. The total was around 200, and the maximum were for IIPC :(
But its a worth a experience, isn't it. I wish they select me for the IIPC cell, because its new born baby and I would like to extend it even further.
Arre baba, no cell phones. Its the committees I'm talking about. Those are called cells, and I think its the same for all the B-school's.
First of all it was at 2 pm and we did not had our lunch and so any moment of boredom would be very harmful for the committee members. So that was taken care with short and concise speech and 2-3 questions only.
The cell's being introduced were Student Council, Placecom, Alumni and IIPC in that order. Except for the first one all the others functioned in a similar way. The student council is the apex body and so was heading the other cell's.
I liked the way IIPC functions. Placecom is very general reaction for the others and they do hire 60-70 for their marketing activities. Details of IIPC are here and here
Alumni and IIPC has almost the same activities by which they interact with the CEO's and VP's. But IIPC is different because of their mentorship program. and Alumni arranges only parties (that's what they said in the ppt presentation)
Time: 2.45 to 5.45 pm
Date: 9th July, 2009
Place: B J Hall (The same hall where we had our orientation)
The first guest lecture for 2009-2011 batch. The professor's name was Dr.Vaidy Jayaraman. He teaches for the Operations & Supply Chain Mgt Department of Management, University of Miami.
The french cut mallu had a good accent and made us believe that he was indeed from Miami. His teaching method was good, but the problem was after the 5 hrs of lecture in the morning, no one was actually interested in this lecture. But we were forced to come as it was a compulsory one.
He actually started very well, giving a brief intro of OM and the first half hour was exciting. But later on he also did the same thing as was expected by a normal prof. Started to impart too much of theory. But the guy had a knack of giving examples at the right moment. Just when I was about to doze off, he started with Microsoft and McDonalds example. Then later on a couple more like Starbucks, GE, Dell, Sony, Toyota and some others. That made the session at least somewhat bearable. :)
Then why am I calling this a Miami fever. Well the reason is that every example was based on the same location, Miami. All the other local area events were also of the same region. Now you must have realized the importance of this topic title.
We left at 5.45 and reached college to collect some notes. But suddenly it started to rain heavily and we had to wait for one more hour in the college. Then half hour at the railway station and finally reached home at 8.15.
The Miami fever was forced on us and that cost us 6 hours. Very expensive but with friends around, you can always neglect the wastage of time.
Cia soon. Logging off. Bye..
Time: 12.30 pm
Date: 9th July, 2009
Venue: Somewhere in a corner of the 8th floor of a building beside NM college (that's what we call UPG building, or the orphan building for NMIMS 2009-2011 batch)
Please don't think that I actually traveled for one and a half hours. Its the WBC (written business communication lecture) I'm talking about. Woof the prof literally talked for 90 minutes as if she was drowning. I was experiencing as if I was sitting on a platform and Rajhdhani just traveled past my sight. This was felt during the entire lecture.
Not even once did she try to actually take a halt. Later on I realized that this will happen every Thursday.
How will you feel when you travel in a Concorde for 1.5 hrs? You will of course enjoy the experience. But this wont happen in WBC class. The speed will be the same, but the exception is that the Concorde will pass through the hell for 1.5 hours of its journey.
This day 3 years back I started my career in TCS with some new friends and some old ones.
Today I began a new career, but difference is in starting a new student life. Yeah I am talking about NMIMS. You will tell me what was happening then from the past 2 weeks. Well that was preparatory lectures. The actual lectures started from today. Here also I started the journey with all new friends. There are none of my old friends, but its always good to make new friends.
The first day was good. I mean based on the past experience of 2 weeks I expected it to be more rigorous, but it was chilled out. May be because the faculty members did not want to bombard everything on the first day itself.
But it already seems that the happy days are overs. Tomorrow itself we have been given with too many topics to study (in short too many bombardments). Lets see how it goes.
Time to go now. Will post all the events regularly. Take care.

This is the movie I told you on Thursday. The EVEREST. Its a nice emotional movie and a good Harvard case study to support its findings.
I wont discuss the movie here. You can find the same movie here
What you must know the attached Harvard case study is more important then the movie. Sorry I couldn't find the movie on the net, but you can buy it out here
What followed was a 5 hour discussion on the same case study. Unnecessary 5 hrs were sent evolving around the same topic. The fruitful part was in the first one hr and the last half an hour of the class.
If you get time please do watch the movie. Its really nice and tells us a lot about Mount Everest and the surviving conditions out there.
Sorry its late and I am feeling sleepy. Will update more about the Lonavala trip tomorrow.
Well this movie was with friends.. Did you really expected NM showing 2 films in 2 days.
Movie: Ice Age 3
Time: 3.30 pm
Date: 03-July-2009 (yesterday)
Location: Movie Time [HUB - Goregaon east]
Hilarious, awesome, 1.5 hrs of non stop fun.. What could I say.. These are the words by which you can express the ratings of this movie..
Its a must watch for all age groups.
The favorite dialogue is when Sid tries to steal some milk from the buffalo and instead pull his whinny, "I thought you were a female" :-D
The character of Scart still evolves in a parallel story and finally in the end he losses his beloved acorn. You should watch the first 2 parts to actually understand the characters in this movie.
Watch the review of this movie here
Yes, you heard it right. My first trip with my new batch mates in the second week itself.
You all can't imagine how eagerly I'm waiting for this hell of a joy ride. Total 80 people have registered and 2 buses have been booked.
Stats for Nerds:
- We reach Lonavala first and hit MTDC Karla Boating immediately thereafter..
- Then we spend some time at Bhushi Dam.. (supposedly, a kick-a$$ turf...)
- Moving on, we also have some major trekking plans..
- Pushing off from Lonavala at around 3-ish, we move on to rock Khandala.....!!!! (ya, u heard it rite....) :P
- Back again to Aamchi Mumbai, we also plan some crazy stuff in the bus (in house-ishtyle...!) Reach Mumbai at around 7..
- Looks like a great plan to me.. Hope u guys love it and eagerly wait for my new post
Fail not to comment me back on this post or the post on Sunday.
And of course the post will be updated here as well as on my other blog.
Cia soon.

Today was a movie day. I mean not movie outing with friends but something officially from NMIMS. Yup its a part of one of the case studies that we are being doing from the past 2 weeks.
Movie Name: Everest
Its the life story of Tenzing's son (the first person to climb Mount Everest) and this team who tried successfully to climb the highest mount again. Of course Jamling was the first one, but there was another guy who had done it 3 time before. You can check out about that movie here
Its really good. Hope you get time to watch out.
The boring part was to go to college for just this one hour. Anyways I don't mind until friends are around.
I don't know what will we discuss for the case tomorrow, but I surely know that it will be an interesting one. Will update you all tomorrow of the progress.