After the horrible exam week (well actually immediately after the stats exam) we went to Pappilon to enjoy (or u can also say that we went to remove our frustration :) ).. either ways it was a nice time enjoying some 1.5 hours in that restaurant.
We enjoyed our time with some nice PJ's from sachin (ohh he is too good at that which is evident from the smile in the first pic). some movie discussion from everyone in which i also contributed :)
I must say anytime better than one of the class discussions on a particular case. The best part in the discussion was there was no reference of the 7 exams which we wrote in the past 6 days.
Then some discussion on the individual body weight, in which Anuj scored the first rank, followed by mihir and I was the last one (considering lightest to heaviest) :)
The pics are attached herewith (of course I'm missing :( ).
The people in the pics are:
(first pic) Anil, sachin, Tom [left to right]
(second one) Om, mihir, karthik, anuj [left to right]
Terrible week for me that just went by. There are many reason for that bu the the main one being for the end term exams..
To start with following are some of the reasons:
1] Mondays were the day the exams were about to start. Being accustomed to Engg style studies, i at least need 2 weeks off for studies. But as they say MBA mein pehle saal khoon chuste hai, waise hi on preceding friday I just finished my poster presentation. So effectively stuies had to start from Saturday onwards.
2] Saturday: You must have thought as this day of studies. Nahi baba, ethics ka lecture tha na. I actually wanted to ask the NMIMS exam dept how ethical is this that u start the exams from Monday and keep 5 hours lect on sat.. :(
3] Sunday: the day I actually started studying and immediately had to study for Monday's exam. I had only dreamt of touching the 2 worst subjects, IDL and CAR. Which never became a reality.
4] Monday onwards: Nightmare started. hardly 4-5 hours of sleep per day (which is abnormal for a kumbakaran like me, who sleeps at least 7 hours a day). I wonder how the professors will react to after looking at my paper, specially IDL (HR subject) and CAR (marketing subject).
Some of the silver lining in the nightmare were FAA (accounts) and SAB (Stats). Somewhat OK types was ME (economics).
I wonder why do they keep subjects like IDL (HR). Do they actually except all those motivation theories and maslows needs hierarchy and other s**t being followed in organizations. this is kaliyug yaar, idhar sirf pasia chalta hai..
Same thing with CSR (corporate social responsibility), i mean koi sense nahi yeh subject rakhne ka.. Also if they have to keep, they keep it in first sem, so by the time u end ur 2 yrs term u wud have already forgotten that subject.. :D
What an irony.. :) :) :)
This does not end with the exam, the next term is about to start from Tuesday (thank god Monday is holiday due to dusshera) and still there are 3 project submission left for term 1.
But the good news (by the time i was writing this post) is that most of the date have been extended to 5th oct. Alas some relief. :)

Sorry guys was busy throughout the week due to the poster presentation. So will be in the coming week due to end term exams. Will give you updates regarding the past week and the coming week after my exams are over.
For now I'm attaching the poster. Hope u like it.
Let me know our comments on the same.. Cis.. Don't forget to wish me luck.. ;)
After a exciting competition on day 1, it was the time for the finals on day 2.
We started with Ecosummit - The debate competition from 11 am to 1 pm
There were 4 rounds which comprised of 4 different issues. There were 4 candidates and each were given a definite role as a speaker for the concerned issues. The interesting part was in round 3 where the candidates were stopped in between and asked to change the roles to judge their "ease of changing roles". The final round was question and answer round where the 4 finalist had to answer judge's questions.
Then we had 3 finals in parallel
Freakoutnomics - A trading game
Exciting game as I would term it. Testing the skills of geometry, finance, bartering and negotiating. A complete package so to say. Will surely post the details of the game once I get hold of the complete script. :)
EcoPrashna - The quiz game
Could attend only last 3 rounds of this quiz. I liked the last 3 because it was audio round and the second last one was Joining the dots rounds. The last one rapid fire round and the contestants were to answer 10 questions in 90 seconds.
EcoPrachar - The ad making competition
Couldn't attend this one as I was coordinating for Freakoutnomics. But heard it was a good one.
Bot to forget, on 5th an important part of Eco-echoes was launched in the inaugural session. Ecoshastra - the economics magazine. It was the third edition and I was part of the Editorial and Design team. I really liked the magazine. I will upload thi on my blog once its officially released to all the colleges. :)
Will upload the pics soon.
Time to say cia. Will surely let u know about the updates as an when I proceed with my stay in NMIMS. I am yet to update about the Fahrenheit event on my blog. Once iget hold of the pics I will surely write about this event.
Take Care. :)
First of all sorry guys for not posting since very long.. Had caught up with various assignments, which are far from being complete. Also Sat and Sun was the main event for me.
Let me talk something about the event Eco-Echoes 2009, from Ecolibria, The economics cell of NMIMS.
The theme of the event was: Indian Resurgence: Uncertainties Abound
The inaugural event was on 5th September, where there were eminent speakers from the industry. Speaking on the theme were some industry stalwarts like:
Guest of honor
Dr. DM Nachane,
IGIDR (Indira Gandhi Institute of Development & Research)
Chief Guest
Mr M.N. Chaini,
Chairman: Industry Education Partnership cell
Member: Maharashtra State Board of Technical Association.
Key Note Speaker
Dr. Shubhada Rao,
Chief Economist,
Yes Bank
It was a fruitful one. They spoke about various issues and it lasted for about 2 hours.
After that was the beginning of all the events. The events lined up for the day were:
The first event for the day (after the inaugural ceremony) was EcoPrastuti - The paper presentation competition. The prelims were in the form of online paper submission. After which 5 teams were selected to show case their talent in front of our eminent panel about the knowledge and analysis they have done with respect to the topic they have selected. It was a nice one, particularly by the team from TISS.
The prelims of Ecoprachar- The Ad making contest was held between 4-6 pm for which the shortlisted teams was told to come to campus & perform the Ad live!!!
They were given a product based on which they had to prepare and perform it between 4-6 pm
Treasure Hunt - Evening 4.30 to 6 pm. The boundaries mentioned were from J W Mariott to Amitabh's Bungalow. The clues were fairly simple for those who have at least spent 2 months in Vile parle area. But the trick was that in a team of 4, 2 were told to track the clues and 2 were told to solve the crossword puzzle. Yup u heard it right. 2 tam were to sit in a classroom and solve the puzzle, on finding the answer they had to communicate that word to the team member who is roaming around the area, when he/she reaches that place she has to speak the password (the answer from the crossword) first and then get the next clue. Interesting isn't it. Well after all its Eco-echoes and had to be something different.
The day ended in a fun event. But there was more in the pot for the second day. Read on in the next post. :)
Hello fellas, 5th and 6th of september are the biggest days in this year for Ecolibria cell. Becuase they present the flagship event Eco-echoes 2009 in association with Bhel, Bank of Baroda, PCRA, esselworld and Economics & Political weekely magazine.
There are many events scheduled on these 2 days (mostly finals) which are Ecoshastra launch (ecolibria magazine of which I am in the editorial), Ecoprachar (AD event), EcoSummit (role play cum debate), EcoPrashna (quiz), Freak(out)nomics (battle of resources) and Treasure Hunt.
The theme of the event is Indian Resurgence: Uncertainties Abound
The chief dignitaries present at the location will be:
Guest of honor
Dr. DM Nachane,
IGIDR (Indira Gandhi Institute of Development & Research)
Chief Guest
Mr M.N. Chaini,
Chairman: Industry Education Partnership cell
Member: Maharashtra State Board of Technical Association.
Key Note Speaker
Dr. Shubhada Rao,
Chief Economist,
Yes Bank
Looking fwd for this event. Hope everbody enjoy a gr8 time out here.
I forgot to update about the inter division event that happened on 1st and 2nd september. Watch out this space for more info in my next post.