Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday early morning fever....

They say when trouble starts to show up in your life, don't be relaxed by solving that one. Its just the tip of the iceberg.

For 3 years (when i was in TCS) never ever i had got up before 10, except for fun trips. Thats has been my record.
This changed dramatically today, only 5 days in NMIMS changed by Saturday morning habit. The record was left dumped in a thrash bin.
Imagine me getting up at 7.30 am on saturday morning, its like waking up lion deep inside his den.

No wonder I was sleepy in the classroom.. Good lord, Vidya Bhole mam energized us with her lecture, otherwise i would have dozing off in her lecture.

But they also say "A clever person turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all".
Hopefully I should be able to achieve this..

Cia again..

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